Monday, June 21, 2010

T2i vs RED

I recently purchased a Canon T2i and a 50mm 1.8 lens for about $900 and I can already tell that this is going to change the way we film things from now on. The T2i has the same image sensor size as the infamous RED cinema camera causing it to pick up incredible amounts of detail in color and in depth of field. The main features that differ the HD SLR from the Red camera is the Raw recording capabilities and the pixel count (4k vs 1k). But perhaps the biggest difference between the T2i and the RED is the price... $900 vs the $17500 for the RED body and another $20000 for the 5 RED lenses... not to mention the thousands more for the necessary accessories needed to mount your camera. In other words $1000 vs $40000... I can sacrifice raw for that kind of a difference... What about you? Lets hear what you think

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